This is the Subtitle. No CSS – Blue #B2F5F8
The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points. CSS = white-boxes-for-summary (es lo que da la sombra).
Colored left border for article paragraphs. That CSS is applied to the Group. Text highlighted with. The CSS is .yellow-left-colored-border {border-left: 3.5px solid #FFCF56; padding: 0% 0% 0% 7%;}
Parrafo parte del grupo. If in a BB sequence (high BB valued changes completed first), then the return per effort spent will decrease over time (as shown in the later iterations in the previous chart). At some point, this return will decrease below that of another project. The current project should be terminated. Not because the project is a failure, but because it no longer provides the best use of resources.
Parrafo parte del grupo. If in a BB sequence (high BB valued changes completed first), then the return per effort spent will decrease over time (as shown in the later iterations in the previous chart). At some point, this return will decrease below that of another project. The current project should be terminated. Not because the project is a failure, but because it no longer provides the best use of resources.
Colored left border for article paragraphs. That CSS is applied to the Group. Text highlighted with. The CSS is .yellow-left-colored-border {border-left: 3.5px solid #FFCF56; padding: 0% 0% 0% 7%;}
Parrafo parte del grupo. If in a BB sequence (high BB valued changes completed first), then the return per effort spent will decrease over time (as shown in the later iterations in the previous chart). At some point, this return will decrease below that of another project. The current project should be terminated. Not because the project is a failure, but because it no longer provides the best use of resources.
Parrafo parte del grupo. If in a BB sequence (high BB valued changes completed first), then the return per effort spent will decrease over time (as shown in the later iterations in the previous chart). At some point, this return will decrease below that of another project. The current project should be terminated. Not because the project is a failure, but because it no longer provides the best use of resources.
Colored left border for article paragraphs. That CSS is applied to the Group. Text highlighted with #. The CSS is .yellow-left-colored-border {border-left: 3.5px solid #FFCF56; padding: 0% 0% 0% 7%;} end
left-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change using the same.
xxxxxxed-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change using the same.
ed-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change using the same.
ed-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
NEW New New New New New New New New New New Colored left border for article paragraphs. That CSS is applied to the Group. Text highlighted with. The CSS is .yellow-left-colored-border {border-left: 3.5px solid #FFCF56; padding: 0% 0% 0% 7%;}
Parrafo parte del grupo. If in a BB sequence (high BB valued changes completed first), then the return per effort spent will decrease over time (as shown in the later iterations in the previous chart). At some point, this return will decrease below that of another project. The current project should be terminated. Not because the project is a failure, but because it no longer provides the best use of resources.
Parrafo parte del grupo. If in a BB sequence (high BB valued changes completed first), then the return per effort spent will decrease over time (as shown in the later iterations in the previous chart). At some point, this return will decrease below that of another project. The current project should be terminated. Not because the project is a failure, but because it no longer provides the best use of resources.
lNew New New New New New New New New New New New eft-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker. eft-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
eft-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
eft-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
eft-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
Single/Simple Column + Text + Background: The most simplest box structure. /* White frame inside -Double Boxed */
The EXTERNAL box/column with background gray #EDEDED
In the EXTERNAL box/column: CSS = width-external-frame-wide { margin: 40px 0% 45px 0%; padding: 0.5em; }
In the INTERNAL box/column: CSS = white-frame-inside { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 3px #fff; padding: 2em 2em 2em 2em }
OJO: GREEN2 to try different styles of left-colored border: left-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
left-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
left-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
left-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
left-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
left-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
CSS in paragraph: glow-for-subtitles shadow-for-elements-A white-border-for-elements. La “columna” solo tiene RELLENO amarillo del menu derecho
left-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
left-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker
#FFCF56 ARTICLE-BODY COLORED BOXES. CSS = white-boxes-for-summary (es lo que da la sombra). Ademas tiene borde amarillo del menu a la derecha.
#FFCF56 ARTICLE-BODY COLORED BOXES. CSS = white-boxes-for-summary (es lo que da la sombra). Ademas tiene borde amarillo del menu a la derecha.
#FFCF56 ARTICLE-BODY COLORED BOXES. CSS = white-boxes-for-summary (es lo que da la sombra). Ademas tiene borde amarillo del menu a la derecha.
#FFCF56 ARTICLE-BODY COLORED BOXES. CSS = white-boxes-for-summary (es lo que da la sombra). Ademas tiene borde amarillo del menu a la derecha.
#FFCF56 ARTICLE-BODY COLORED BOXES. CSS = white-boxes-for-summary (es lo que da la sombra). Ademas tiene borde amarillo del menu a la derecha.
#FFCF56 ARTICLE-BODY COLORED BOXES. CSS = white-boxes-for-summary (es lo que da la sombra). Ademas tiene borde amarillo del menu a la derecha.
#FFCF56 ARTICLE-BODY COLORED BOXES. CSS = white-boxes-for-summary (es lo que da la sombra). Ademas tiene borde amarillo del menu a la derecha.
left-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
Este es parte del grupo.
left-colored-border-for-article-paragraphs. Este es parte del grupo. The developer and tester unit can estimate change effort in story points using the same technique as for business value as an alternative to story point poker.
… I am Ricardo Abella and these are my
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