Cover June 2021 - Six authors with blue background

This issue brings point of views, proposals, stories, tips and thoughts literally from around the world.

Discover why some bold Agile thinkers, from Finland, Poland, Croatia, India, Australia and USA, think that…

  • “While testing is still testing and programming is still programming, everything changes when we release more frequently.”
  • “If a team that cannot influence anything around them, you have a self-organization killer.”
  • “Surveys are not enough and do not tell you the whole story.”
  • “In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.”
  • “If we are not super intentional about keeping the community open and inclusive, people will perceive it as a closed one.”
  • “Hierarchy cannot be eliminated in large organizations.”
  • “Agile is about delivering value, not about checking boxes to prove we are busy.”

Enjoy our thoughts and do something great with them!

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